Nobody Panic!

So this is the WEIRDEST time to be alive. No one really knows what’s happening right now. Everything is shut down and your wedding is approaching – fast! What should you do?! Well, the first thing is to NOT PANIC. I’m a strong believer that “this too shall pass” and that life will resume back to normal soon. You are still going to get married or have that class reunion --it just may not be the on the date you had originally planned. But you know what? That’s perfectly okay. What matters most is that you are healthy and happy.

The worst reaction is to panic and cancel everything.  That doesn’t help anyone. Reach out to your professional vendors and let them know what you are thinking. The more time we have to plan, the more we are going to be able to make adjustments for you. And believe me, we want to help you. In a situation like this, being proactive is the best course of action.

In the meantime, while you’re bored at home, start looking up ideas for your event. Way too often we are so busy with everyday life that we forget to pay attention to small details. This is a perfect opportunity to fine-tune your vision for your big day! Pinterest anyone?! 😊

Also, something to think about… If you do end up having to reschedule your event, please consider having it on a Friday or a Sunday. While I realize this may not be ideal, it could be useful. Vendors can only be in so many places at once, and if everyone wants the same Saturday, your preferred vendor may not be available. By choosing an alternative day of the week, you are more likely to get what you want.

We have to look at this as a learning experience. Make lemonade out of lemons, if you will. Let’s take this time to slow down and look at all of the options. Support small business. Donate blood or money to a local charity. Video chat with your friends and family. STAY HOME and spring clean your house. Burn your favorite candle while you take a bath. Do an Easter craft. There’s plenty of “stuff to do” while we wait for this to be over. And most importantly WASH YOUR HANDS!!

I can’t wait for this time to just be a few pages in a history book. This is the strangest situation I’ve ever lived through, and I know I’m not alone. But we will make it through.  I’ll see you on the other side.

Read on, music lovers!

DJ Amy Sas xoxo


To learn more follow me on social media:

Personal Insta: amyisonhappi927

Business Insta: lakeshoredjservice

Amy Petroff