I’m Worth It, And I’ll Tell You Why

If you are shopping around for a wedding DJ and you want to spend less than $500.00, stop reading right now. No, seriously. Stop. I’m not your girl.

Because that’s not what I do. I’m not a budget DJ.  

Think of it this way: You’re hungry and you want to get dinner out somewhere. You have 2 choices. You can either get a greasy burger or a delicious 4-course, healthy, gourmet dinner. You can order the greasy burger knowing that it’s quick and cheap and will fill you up, but you’ll feel lousy later. Or your other option is to spend the money on the gourmet dinner knowing that you are spending your money on something tasty, delicious and healthy for you. (Maybe you’re not into food that way, but you get the point.)

The greasy burger = All the DJs who are in it to make a quick dollar and don’t really care about your big day.

The gourmet dinner = All the professional DJs who are genuinely interested in making your day special.

I don’t have to tell you which one I am.

I know some of you are thinking, “But money is an issue for me…” I completely understand that. Trust me, I’m not a millionaire either…yet. But here’s the crux of it. What are you spending money on that isn’t going to really matter? For example: I’ve heard of people spending $1000 on a champagne toast that lasts 5 seconds! Five seconds for 400 people to clink glasses and say “cheers” because the couple wanted a fancy champagne toast. Is there anything wrong with that if you truly have the money? Absolutely not. However, if you are scrimping on your entertainment budget for that, then yes…I think a memorable night of dancing and fun with your friends and family is worth more than that. It’s essential to put your money in the right places. Skip that fancy (and very short) champagne toast and hire a professional to run your reception! Trust me, NO ONE is going to remember that toast 20 years from now.

Myth: DJs make so much money. Why should I pay them that much?!

Truth: We actually don’t. By the time we pay for all the equipment upgrades, new software that constantly is upgrading, music services, gasoline and other miscellaneous costs, we are making an average salary just like any blue-collar worker. (Our job is just a lot more fun than sitting in an office!)

Here’s the difference though. I follow you through the whole wedding process. I send you an itinerary of your wedding day, so you know EXACTLY what to expect. I come with the experience of 100+ weddings. I show up at your wedding ceremony rehearsal to show everyone what to do. I keep in contact with you the entire time. I announce events at your reception BEFORE they happen so that no one important misses them.

Do you think your $500 DJ is going to do those things? Not a chance. Why? Because they would be losing money if they did. And nobody wants that.

The take-away is that I want you to see the value in what you’re getting when you hire me or ANY professional. We care. We want what’s best for you, and that’s why we cost a bit more than the others – because WE ARE WORTH IT!

Read on, music lovers!

DJ Amy Sas xoxo


To learn more follow me on social media:

Personal Insta: amyisonhappi927

Business Insta: lakeshoredjservice

Amy Petroff