A Heartfelt Thank You

I’ll be the first to admit that I had the highest hopes for 2020. I was prepared to go into the busiest, most exciting year of my DJing career. And then… STOP. You can’t play anywhere. You can’t go anywhere. Wait, what?!

I really had to step back and see my blessings. I have my health. I have my family. I have a safe place to live. I am still able to pay my bills. I had very few cancellations. And the ones who did cancel, I completely understand their reasoning. (And anyway, most all of them assured me that they would re-hire me once this is over!) Most of my clients rescheduled for next year. For all of that, I am thankful.

I am trying to use this time as an opportunity to slow down and reprioritize my life. My whole life has been spent going 90 miles an hour to try and get as much done as physically possible. Anyone who knows me, knows I always have 15 projects going on at once. This time has allowed me to really focus on getting my life back in order. Sometimes when you have too many irons in the fire, you forget what really matters.

This year I’ve spent more quality time in my garden and at Presque Isle. I’ve recently taken up yoga, bike riding and started learning French. I can’t tell you how many years I’ve wanted to do those things, but I just never did. I decided I wasn’t going to waste hours arguing on social media with people who will never agree with me. I was going to spend my time wisely. And I have.

Don’t get me wrong though. I did have a few tough days with this. I may have had a few more glasses of wine than normal. I’m only human. Anxiety got the best of me a few times. I got totally freaked out going to the grocery store. I didn’t know what I should touch or not touch. Should I wipe down my groceries?! Should I wear gloves or not wear gloves? It’s really hard not to touch my face while wearing a mask… Why are people walking so close to me when I’m struggling so hard to remain 6 ft away from them? The smell of disinfectant wipes is so strong, it’s making me sick…  It was all so overwhelming at first!

In a way though, this year did give me clearer vision. It was a real wake up call about how quickly life can change. What you think will happen and what can actually happen are two different animals. Even I never thought anything like this would happen. Not in a million years… And just like that, life as we knew it, changed. The thought of eating birthday cake that someone blew on is now horrifying. Shaking someone’s hand at church is also out of the question. I would never have thought twice about either of those things before now. But that’s life.

I wanted to take this time to say a heartfelt THANK YOU to my clients. You ALL have been amazing. The rescheduling, the emails back and forth, the phone calls/zoom meetings… etc. The way you all have adapted to this allows me to further operate my business in the future. Again, I am grateful for your understanding and kindness. There are better days ahead!

Read on, music lovers!

DJ Amy Sas xoxo


To learn more follow me on social media:

Personal Insta: amyisonhappi927

Business Insta: lakeshoredjservice

Amy Petroff